1528 Locust Street, Walnut Creek, California
Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 7 PM
Friday & Saturday 10 AM - 9 PM
Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM
(925) 935-2275
(Names of owners/proprietors here)
(Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD)
Payment Method
(Type of payment)

Annabelle's used to be called Scraps Dog Bakery. According to their website, only the name has changed. Annabelle is the name of the owners' springer (spaniel i presume).

Annabelle's doesn't just offer treats for dogs and cats, but also has a self-service bathing station. The station has a professional stainless steel tub, professional ramp and blow dryer, shampoo/conditioners, grooming table, light, and mirrors.

  • $12/wash with your soap
  • $15/wash with their soap

Annabelle's also has a professional groomer whose cost ranges from $75-$135.

Their website also has an events calendar, bulletin board, featured artists, and pet resources.


2007-12-06 13:28:04   i stopped in here today, just to check it out. the woman working there was really nice. they seem to have a lot of high quality treats and food. my favorite part is that they have free sample bags of dog foods. i've been wanting to try some new food, but didn't want to have to buy a 6lbs bag, so this is a great way to figure out what my dog might like.

they also carry high end cat food. —JennSuzuki