Departed Businesses are businesses that have closed or moved away from the Yuba-Sutter area. If we have a page on the Yuba-Sutter Wiki about a particular business and that business has closed or moved away, check whether the page contains significant information that may still be of interest to some users. If so, the page should not be deleted. Instead, add an [[Include(Departed Business)]] tag at the top of the page and list it here.

If we were to list all the Yuba-Sutter businesses that have ever existed, we'd never be finished. However, there are a few well-known institutions that are still remembered fondly by longtime Yuba-Sutter residents. Feel free to add any that you remember to this page. Even if the business is long since departed, you can still create a new page about it if you feel it was significant and you have something to say about it.