Born: October 9, 1890

Died: December 1979

Married: Gerald Jackson (died), Elmer. A. Newton (died)

Pauline Newton, known as "Dai," was a resident of Saranac Lake for many years; she was a principal shareholder in the Rockledge Company.  She took in the young poet Joan Vincent Murray in her last years before her death at age 24.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, January 14, 1980

Pauline Newton

SARANAC LAKE - Word has been received of the death in December of Mrs. Elmer A. (Dai) Newton, a former resident of Saranac Lake and for many years principal shareholder in the Rockledge Company.

Mrs. Newton came to Saranac Lake in the late 20's as the bride of Gerald Jackson. The couple purchased the residence of Walter Cluett, orginator of the Rockledge Company, and his remaining property interests. Known as "The House of the Thousand Windows," the Cluett home was a local landmark because it was so dramatically visible in the evening as the western sun reflected it's many windows on the East hill of the village. The house was recently destroyed by fire.

Several years after their arrival, Mr. Jackson died suddenly of appendicitis. His widow moved away, met and married the late Elmer. A. Newton, and the couple returned briefly to make their home with their young son. During and after World War II, Mr. Newton was connected with informational agencies of the United States government and the couple spent some time in the Far East, where he died.

Mrs. Newton again returned, living in Saranac Lake until the early 1960's when she sold her home to Mrs. Katherine Thorne and property to Francis Casier. Subsequently, she lived in Philadelphia, Pa., and abroad.

During her residence at her Saranac Lake home, Mrs. Newton was often hostess to members of her family, three of whom came to settle here. A brother, Bal Turegon, [sic] bought a home on Petrova Avenue. One sister, Mrs. George McCurdy, purchased 168 Park. Ave., and later moved to Rockledge, which she also owned, and a second sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Whiting, settled at 14 Rockledge Rd. All became active citizens of Saranac Lake. Survivors include her son, E. Anthony Newton, Mrs. Whiting and several grandchildren.
